Are you ready to set aside 21 days to draw near to God?
For many Christians, fasting is a highly spiritual practice reserved for an elite or for pastors.
Anyone can fast and choose to take time aside to seek the face of God,
his will or even victory in a difficult situation.
Certain struggles in the Christian life will require To do.
It is possible to fast completely over short periods (1 day or 2 maximum),
to take only water or liquids (like broths or juices)
for a few days or to practice a young partial
on the model of Daniel who refrained from delicacies.
This 21-day fast with the aim of detaching yourself from the "pleasant" things of this world
to log in more to the Word of God
hence the idea of eating vegetables, juice and water.
(setting aside alcoholic drinks, sugary drinks, coffee, meat, sauces that go with it, ...)
We offer you some recommendations and suggestions below
in order to participate in this program under the best conditions
We also encourage you to choose the disconnection during this time apart
(Tablets, television, smartphones, social networks, ...)
and replace this time with reading the Word,
a good Christian book or a reading and teaching program.
By thus physically obeying the Word of God which encourages us to offer our bodies in sacrifice,
we wish you to experience "all new things" !
is a formula used in the book of Revelation (Rev 21.5) by the Lord to announce the establishment of His kingdom.
This term also speaks of the new life of the believer who, renouncing the old creature (2Co 5:17) that he is, enters in a renewed and blessed spiritual life.
But, Centuries before that, the prophet Isaiah was already attracting the attention of his contemporaries.
and invited them to consider the work of God to to come.
Jesus traces a path in the wilderness of our lives and the Holy Spirit irrigates us with waters of fullness.
This expression shows us that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
In a society that tends to make us more and more dependent on modernism and assistance,
we need, children of God, draw near to the Lord individually
but also collectively as a Church,
to learn to depend on him first.
We are called to take charge of ourselves spiritually
in order to accomplish God's designs for our lives.
Be blessed and encouraged during these 21 days of fasting.
In order to allow you to focus on daily topics,
We have set up this downloadable calendar which is divided into 3 main themes
You can download this document which will provide you with relevant advice
before embarking on a period of fasting.
Be sure to follow the recommendations!
Pregnant women, people under medical treatment, workers
or people who have jobs at risk, it is important to be wise.
God knows hearts and motives.
For some, this fasting time will be mostly a time of deprivation of succulent dishes
because you need to eat properly to fulfill your professional responsibilities
Here is a document with suggestions for fruits and vegetables to use